Note: Much of this post is stream of consciousness.
Thanks Flo ; )
"He's a banana-eating jungle bunny."
It was just a few minutes past 8am and those were the words I heard as I wiped the sleep from my eyes and tried to make breakfast from a lonely bagel and an egg. There, on CNN, was one of the many nameless commentators making reference to a statement made by a Cambridge police officer.
To be honest, my first reaction was laughter. I simply couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the moment and the rumblings of an "I told you so!" churning in my stomach. I was somewhat glad that it made the news, although it is difficult to discern whether it was said to inform or entertain. With the media circus surrounding celebrity deaths as of late, news and entertainment seem to be seamless.
The night before, I was unfortunate enough to be eating while watching Larry King and celebrity pseudo-scholars, Judge Joe Brown, Larry Elder, and Michael Eric Dyson (No, I am not making this up...) discuss the media frenzied Henry Louis Gates incident.
This incident, coupled with some personal and professional developments prompted me to wait to comment until I was less emotional and could speak with some clarity.
For those of you who have short historical memory due to living in the Twitter era, here is a video about what happened.
Speaking for myself, emotions collide. Being African in America (or however you choose to define yourself) is a constant analytical existence. The experiences of racism and general attitudes toward race here are maddening and at times so much so, that all I can do without losing my mind is laugh, listen to music, or write. Truth is often said in jest, and so I recalled Dave Chappelle. I'd talk more about him, his brilliance, humor, and wisdom, but that is a post for another time.
I am sure this might take devout Al and Jesse fans aback, but, I'm only a little annoyed by the Gates incident. Unlike most negroes and other so-called Americans, I am not shocked by racism in this country. Its in the bloodstream.
Note: (You're only an American, if your rights are protected, and the only people whose rights are protected en masse are wealthy WASP men)
Note 2: A tabloid in Duane Reade alleged President Obama's birth certificate a fake. Some newspapers still allege the same. Post Racial Society my ass.
The Gates incident came on the heels of the failure of CNN's Black in America 2 - a half assed program that allowed voyeuristic white folks to peer into the lives of black folks in poverty without getting too close to us on the street and discussed us as a pathology.
All of it made me think of a book I recently read, Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. It helped to tie all of these egregious events together for me. The book is an autobiography about the varying economic, covert, and military means by which the US adds countries to its global empire by giving out massive loans and promising development in exchange for costly contracts and access to natural resources.
After reading it, I couldn't help but make the connection about why my mild discontent with the police officers in the Gates incident grew to fury toward Gates and others like him. He, like many of us have been victims of domestic Socio-Economic Hitmen, and up until now, he has been one as well - at least in a subtle way.
He was outraged for being accosted in his home, not simply because it was his home, but because he thought that despite his unfortunate blackness, his ascent into the white intelligentsia and quiet Cambridge community would make him untouchable by the jackals. Perhaps, he thought, as many desperate upwardly-mobile petit bourgeoisie negroes do, that money, status, and connections somehow buoy one from blackness and the victimization that many black folks fear every day.
Surely, a few doctorates, a black president, and speaking ever so clearly would render the word "nigger" obsolete, no?
Perkins reminded me that Socio-Economic Hitmen exist in our schools, churches, businesses, and even our homes. The idea of having to earn our right to be fully protected by the law and treated equally and justly has infiltrated our collective consciousness. We've dreamt the American Dream and fell into a deep coma. We are tumbling down the rabbit hole where white picket fences, two and a half kids and a dog chase us through Orwellian dramas and yellow brick roads that lead to nowhere.
Gates was arrested in his own home. That means no one is safe. Now what?